Bonnie Johnson

Bonnie Johnson


The supervisor is chief executive officer of the township and chairs the board of trustees. The supervisor also administers the general assistance program and is treasurer of all town funds.  The supervisor is the FOIA Officer for the General Township.
Theresa Oak

Theresa Oak

Town Clerk

The clerk is the local election authority and keeps all town records except for general assistance case records. The clerk is also responsible for posting legal announcements for the township. The clerk is the FOIA Officer for the General Township.
Derek Devers

Derek L. Devers


The assessor does not assess taxes but places a value on properties using a mass appraisal system, based on formulas set by the Illinois Department of Revenue. It is from taxes levied according to these property values that all units of local government, including townships, receive their income.  The assessor is also the FOIA Officer for the assessment office.
Mary Beth Loos

Mary Beth Loos


Trustees comprise the legislative branch of the township. With the supervisor, they have voting rights over establishing township policies.
Rand Wilson

Rand Wilson



Trustees comprise the legislative branch of the township. With the supervisor, they have voting rights over establishing township policies.
Staci Early

Staci Early



Trustees comprise the legislative branch of the township. With the supervisor, they have voting rights over establishing township policies.
Hayleigh Covella

Hayleigh Covella


Trustees comprise the legislative branch of the township. With the supervisor, they have voting rights over establishing township policies.
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